Thursday, March 11, 2010

Julie & Julia

Ohhhhh, how did I not watch this movie sooner. Such a delight! Fetch me a croissant dawwwling! Haw haw haw!

Yes, it seems cooking movies bring out my inner housewife. DON'T JUDGE ME.
For those who don't know the movie, it's based on the stories of the life of America's favorite TV cook and author, Julia child (played by Meryl Streep) paralleled to the life of a girl in Queens, New York, Julie Powell (played by Amy Adams) who decides to challenge herself to cooking all of Julia Child's 524 recipes in one year and blog about it.
Both true stories.

Meryl Streep, you make one badass Julia Child.

They just had to reveal this wonderful bit of entertainment on french cooking with the much overuse of butter, dairy and how to make Boeuf Bourguignon AFTER I decide to become vegetarian/borderline vegan. 
You bastards.

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